If the DIY mold testing kit indicates that the sample is indeed mold. Donвt panic. Not all molds are toxic. The dominant toxic mold culprits are Stachybotrys and Aspergillus. Mold spores. Mail the impregnated swab to the manufacturersв lab for analysis.
This will cost you a small fee, but then you will know. The exact kind of mold you have. Another DIY mold testing kit available to the homeowner. Is the Lift Tape Mold Analysis Test Kit.
This is easy to use kit will help you capture the mold for. Analysis. Adhere the tape over the substance you think is mold and. Then pull it off. Bits of the substance stick to the tape which you.
Then send off to the manufacturersв laboratory for analysis. Lift Tape Mold Analysis Test Kits for DIY mold testing. Are sometimes advertised as a free product. This product is given away for free but the cost.
For shipping and laboratory analysis falls on the user. Mold spores donвt only occur on surfaces, sometimes the spores. Are in the air we breathe. A popular but protective laptop covers dv7 expensive method of DIY mold testing.
Is buying a small machine than enables you to obtain air samples. These air samples are then shipped to a laboratory for. Analysis to identify the specific type of mold. The analysis is done for a small fee. protective laptop covers dv7 DIY mold testing kits can tell you if your. Suspected mold is Stachybotrys or Aspergillus mold spores without sending it off to a lab for analysis. These sorts of DIY mold testing kits use the. Same procedure to capture the mold samples as the swab kits described above.
However, only Stachybotrys and Aspergillus mold spores create noticeable color change.
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